
Perfect Peace

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
(Isaiah 26:3)
What an awesome phrase, “Perfect Peace.” No matter what life’s circumstances may bring, we can have perfect peace. In the midst of war, through sickness, during financial difficulties, and even in life’s darkest hours, we can have God’s perfect peace. However, this peace comes at a cost. The cost is a mind stayed on Christ. Instead of worrying about situations, we are to meditate on Christ. Instead of fretting about circumstances, we are to dwell in His presence. Instead of trusting in our own devices, we are to totally trust in our Creator. A mind that is stayed on Christ is a worshipping mind. A worshipping mind is a trusting mind, and a trusting mind is at perfect peace. Therefore, when trials and difficulties come your way, bring Christ to mind by praising and worshipping Him. If you do these things, He will keep you in perfect peace.