
Another Way To Do It

Do all things without complaining and disputing.
(Philippians 2:14)
There are many people who do right outwardly, but inwardly they are filled with complaining and disputing. They are usually busy people, and you know they are busy because they are forever telling you so. They are hard working people who believe that nobody else works at all. They are hard to help and just about impossible to please. They simply do all things with complaining and disputing. The first step to overcoming this malady is to realize that you do these things. The second step is simply to stop the complaining and disputing to not only others, but to yourself. The third and most important step is to realize for whom you are working. You serve the Lord. Therefore, do all things as unto the Lord and not as to man. Always remember that the Lord knows how hard you work, and that you do so without complaining and disputing.