
Contention Is Annoyingly Expensive

A continual dripping of a very rainy day and a contentious woman are alike.
(Proverbs 27:15)
Have you ever lived in a leaky house, or attempted to sleep while having to listen to a steadily dripping water faucet? Both are relentlessly annoying and very costly. The repetitious sound of dripping water is as irritating as a flowing stream is comforting. Furthermore, a leaky roof can cause immense damage to the entire house, and a dripping faucet can produce an enormous water bill. This is how God sees contentious people: He says that they are annoying and costly. Contentions destroy friendships, marriages and our relationship with the Lord. They never edify and always separate. Proverbs clearly describes the pedigree of a contentious person. They stir up strife, produce the fruit of the scoffer, and walk in the ways of angry men. We must therefore realize that contentions divide and that they are at best irritating like the dripping of a very rainy day.