
Spiritual Ignorance

Everyone is dull-hearted, without knowledge.
(Jeremiah 51:17)
Herein is the life-style of a lost and dying world. The greater the sinfulness of a society, the more ignorant it becomes toward the things of God. Spiritual ignorance becomes the norm. There was a time that Biblical morality was universally accepted. The laws of God were the laws of the land. Yet, the further we got away from God and His Word, the further we got away from His moral laws. Therefore the knowledge of God has waned. Mankind has become dull-hearted, and a dull-heart is a hard-heart, and a hard-heart is godless. Society has become hard-hearted and thin skinned. Everyone is offended. Biblical common sense has become archaic. In our ignorance we have become angry at each other and at God. Yet, God desires to give us a new heart and a new spirit. He desires to take our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh.