

Now the names of the twelve apostles are... Simon the Cananite. ,
(Matthew 10:2-4)
Simon was likewise called "The Zealot."[32] A zealot was a political activist. They would do their best to rid the nation of the Romans. Most likely Simon came to Christ hoping that He would lead an uprising delivering Israel from the bondage of Roman occupation and reestablishing the throne of David. Although we know nothing of his life from the scriptures other than where he was from and that he was involved in a political party, tradition says that he evangelized Ethiopia and Persia with Jude and possibly Thaddaeus. He lived and died witnessing to Christ. It is no coincidence that Christ chose a political activist to be one of His disciples. Throughout the history of the church there have been those who have been more politically than spiritually motivated. As it was with Simon, it is to be with us. Our political zeal is to be replaced with a zeal for Christ and His church. It is not to be a matter of defeating those that may oppose Christ, but a matter of winning them.