

Now the names of the twelve apostles are... Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him.
(Matthew 10:2-4)
Judas always appears last in the list of the apostles, and usually with an infamous description: thief, betrayer or traitor. Judas was the treasure of the disciples. Therefore he must have been somewhat trusted. The apostle John however called him a thief."[33] Judas fell because of his misjudging Jesus. When Mary anointed his feet with costly oil, it was Judas who complained at the waste. This he said because he was a thief at heart.[34] When he betrayed Christ to the chief priests, he did so for a mere thirty peaces of silver. Whatever Judas' motives or expectations were, they were the direct result of a judgmental attitude. Like all unchecked sin, his was entropic. His regression led him to betray Jesus with a gesture of love, a kiss. He finally, with the ultimate selfish act, took his own life. Judas leaves us an example of religion without regeneration, works without the Spirit and association without relationship.