
The Good Neighbor Policy

Do not devise evil against your neighbor, for he dwells by you for safety's sake.
(Proverbs 3:29)
Communities were and are to be established for the purpose of worship, commerce and protection. Historically this has been the foundation of every community. Likewise history has shown that whenever the first is diminished the later becomes divisive and insecure. A community where the church is irrelevant is a community where crime is relevant. Likewise a community without godly restraint is a community without godly business. Nevertheless, if one neighbor is a true worshipper and follows the Biblical mandate of a good neighbor that community has hope. One family, one church can make all the difference in establishing a peaceful, prospering community. It is simply the Good neighbor policy. Whether it is in your home, business or church, let us strive to be good neighbors. Set aside your preconceived rights and "Love your neighbor as yourself."[36] Do this and you will not devise evil against your neighbor and most likely your neighbor will cease devising evil against you.