
The Seducers

Why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress?
(Proverbs 5:20)
Sexual promiscuity is not only rampant in our day it is accepted as a norm. From lascivious television commercials to the way our daughters are permitted to dress at our public schools, we are creating or have created a generation of seductresses. A hormone driven young man has little chance in his own strength to overcome such temptations. Unfortunately, to share this Proverb with a twenty-first century young man must be seen as ridiculously archaic. Nevertheless it is a warning that must be taught to our children. I know that there will be those who say that males need to learn to control their sexual drive. To which we must say absolutely, but we must likewise teach our daughters that there is such a thing as an immoral appearance. Why entice, why flaunt, why advertise if you're not for sale? Whether male or female, flee the seducer and shun the seductive appearance. Why should you my son, my daughter be entrapped by the immoral, and be embraced by someone other than your own wife, your own husband?