
The Forth Commandment

"Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
(Exodus 20:8)
Of the Commandments, there is given more verbiage to the Forth than all others. The Commandment is two fold: the first and greatest aspect of it is the command to take a day of solemn rest unto and with the Lord. As God rested one in seven days, man is called to do likewise. The first and foremost reason is to honor and glorify his Creator. The second is to rest our bodies and minds after six days of labor and work. Therefore the two-fold command is to work six and rest one. Yet, not just any form of rest, but resting in the Lord. Some can remember a time in America when States had what was known as Sunday Blue Laws. By law business were to be closed, especially bars and liquor stores. Sunday, the Lord's Day, was to be set aside for rest and worship. America has changed, but God's Command and our need for s Sabbath unto the Lord has not. Therefore, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work."[9]