
God's Kingdom

Jesus came... preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel."
(Mark 1:14-15)
The kingdom of God equates to the ways of God and the ways of God is the government of God. Access to the kingdom is through the gates of the everlasting gospel of Christ. The gates of the gospel turn on the hinges of repentance. The signposts leading to these gates are written on the laws of the kingdom, which are the commandments of God. Their purpose is to reveal to us that we need to turn from our own ways to the government of God. These laws reveal to us that we are violators and that we need a redeemer if we want to inter God's kingdom. Here we have the purpose of the gospel. Christ came that we might have access to His glorious realm. Therefore, those who are outside of the kingdom, must turn (repent) from their present way and follow the King of the kingdom, Christ Jesus. All has been fulfilled and the kingdom of God has never been more at hand. The question is, "are you part of that kingdom?"