
When The Fringe Leaves

When He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about the parable.
(Mark 4:10)
Those on the fringe of faith are willing to walk with a token of understanding. Those who desire to walk in the depths of faith will walk in the greatest amount of understanding available. They will draw as near to Christ as they possibly can. When others walk away satisfied with the milk of the Word, these stay and seek the meat of the Word. Here we have the difference between Bible reading and Bible study, saying a prayer and praying, association and relationship. Only those who get alone with Christ go from knowledge to understanding and from faith to faith. Our churches are filled with spectators, but there are few who earnestly seek the Master. There are countless Bibles whose pages seldom see the light of day, whose owners do not care or do not realize that in those pages dwells the Word of God