
Some Will Laugh

So the runners passed from city to city... but they laughed at them and mocked them. Nevertheless some... humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem.
(2 Chronicles 30:41558)
The reaction to the grace of God will vary from city to city and from person to person. When we venture to share Christ with people, some will laugh others will get angry, butt more than a few will listen and respond positively. The question is not whether people will laugh or not, but whether we are willing to humble ourselves and share Christ no matter what the response. It seldom seems to be the appropriate time to share Christ. Few people will ever approach you and ask you to tell them about Jesus. We have to love folks enough to approach them and share what we know about the saving grace of God. Some are gifted to do so, others, like maybe you and me, have to do so out of our comfort zone. You may not have the gift of evangelism, but you can do the work of an evangelist. Some will laugh, but others will respond to eternal life in Christ.