
Deceived Deceivers

From among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves.
(Acts 20:30)
The enemy of the brethren, that great deceiver is able both to hoodwink and dupe the wisest of men in their own intelligence. Often those who appear to be the most gifted at communicating and teaching are the most vulnerable to his ways. Therefore in the very body of Christ, there will be men who have been deceived and who in time will rise up speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. They are teachers of either new or maligned doctrines. They are twisters of words and sadly become caught up in their own deceptions. They separate themselves from the leadership of the church and become an entity to themselves. They become salvage wolves that come in not sparing the flock.[20] I know of few greater dangers to the body than these. Therefore they must be noted and if not willing to repent, removed from the flock.