
Being An Edifying Neighbor

Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, leading to edification.
(Romans 15:2)
How do we please our neighbors for their good? An answer: being a good neighbor ourselves. What makes for a good neighbor? A good neighbor is someone who truly cares about the well-being, especially the spiritual will-being, of another. Living in Southern California, it is more than common not to know one's neighbor. We drive in and out of garages that are all located in the front of the house and when we do go out of door, it is in a secluded back yard. A front porch mentality is a rarity on the west coast. Therefore, to befriend a neighbor requires some extra effort. Let me challenge you to get to know the folks that live in your neighborhood. Invite them over for a cup of coffee and a piece of pie (OK! pizza and a Coke). Practice a little life-style evangelism. Without brow beating them, look for or make an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. There is no greater edification.