
What Does God Embrace?

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven
(Ecclesiastes 3:1&5b)
An embrace is not only a sign of love, but also approval and appreciation. At this writing, the Episcopal Church of America has appointed an openly homosexual as the bishop of New Hampshire. This direct contradiction of the foundation of the Church, the canonized scripture, cannot be embraced. It is time for the Church to refrain from embracing open rebellion against God and His Word. Refraining from embracing is not synonymous with hating. We are not to hate those who have tainted the church. We are to pity them, pray for them and do our best to convince them of the error of their ways. As you do not embrace a child for disobedience, we cannot embrace the body of Christ for its disobedience. You in love chastise him or her. A child is to be embraced after the disciplined and when repentance is evident. We cannot embrace what God does not embrace.