
Christ Died in Victory

I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.
(Galatians 2:21)
If our righteousness is based on our doing instead of what has already been done then there was and is no need for the salvation that we have obtained through Christ. There are not two covenants; there is but one. And that covenant is the blood covenant that was obtained on Calvary. We do not keep the laws of God in order to obtain salvation. We observe the laws of God because we have obtained salvation. For example, I do not necessarily have to verbalize my faith in Christ to be saved, but if I am saved, I will. The carnal mind says give me a law, draw me a line, show me either black or white. The spiritual mind says, show me grace, mercy and the Father's justice; lead me in the way I should go as I humble myself before You. Rules and regulations, laws and regulations are for sinners. Grace and mercy, favor and forgiveness are for the redeemed.