
Wear The Truth

Having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth...
(Ephesians 6:13-14a)
Truth appears to come in many forms: there are partial truths, ugly truths, confusing truths, perceived truths and above all God's truth. Truth is defined as that which conforms to fact or actuality. Telling the truth is the height of man's integrity. It is for this reason, that in our courts of law, perjury is such a punishable offence. The reality of truth is found in Christ. Jesus calls himself, "The Truth."[8] The view that there are many truths may appear to be the epitome of tolerance, but in reality this notion does nothing but eliminate the reality of truth. Jesus said it clearly, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."[9] Therefore let us, as much as is possible, always do our level best to speak the truth. We are not only to tell the truth, but we are to do so in love.[10] The truth will always, in time: edify, encourage and lead to Christ. It cannot be manipulated, partial, exaggerated or used for selfish motives and be called the truth. Therefore gird yourself with it firmly.