
Not Lacking in Business

Walk properly toward those who are outside... that you may lack nothing.
(1 Thessalonians 4:12)
It is a shame that Christians more than often have a poor testimony in the business world. When we fail to be prompt in payments due we carry the testimony of a deadbeat. When we fail to keep our word we bear the testimony of a liar. When we fail to do what we say we are going to do we have the testimony of a sluggard. When we are late we are time stealers. When we are unprepared we are time wasters. When we are not properly presentable we are disrespectful. These are often a few of the testimonies of believers and they are at best poor testimonies. No one should be more prompt than a Christian. No one should be more on time, prepared and presentable than those who bare the name of Christ. Therefore let us either pay our bills or stay out of debt. At the very least let us do what we say we are going to do. We should never have to tell people that we are Christians; they ought to know by our actions, deeds and integrity. If we do these things, nothing will be lacking.