
Correct With Humility

In humility correct... those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
(2 Timothy 2:25-26)
The enemy of the brethren is very good at what he does. Let us not forget that when he fell from heaven, he took a third of the stars (angels) with him.[46] He furthermore, "deceives the whole world."[47] What we are finding in these last days is that those who are in opposition are not in the world, but in the church. It seems that in church after church, that there is an arrogant rebellion against spiritual authority. Satan is no longer attacking the weak links; he is attacking the pillars. He knows that his days are numbered. He is pulling all stops. Our instruction toward those who have been taken captive by him is clear, "In humility correct... so that they may know the truth and come to their senses." We are not to be ignorant of his devises.[48] Let us not be surprised when the strong fall. In humility tell them the truth; perhaps God will grant them repentance.