
From Deception to Delusion

Evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
(2 Timothy 3:13)
Where are these evil men to be found and what will they be pretending to be? The answer appears to be the church. The context of our text is referring to false doctrine and those who cause or bring about persecution. Earlier, the apostle Paul refers to them as "men of corrupt minds" and those who "resist the truth."[49] How do we recognize such people? It will be evidenced in their regressive deeds. They will go from one infraction to another. Like all who are deceived, they will attempt to recruit to their deception. They will become secretly factious. Their plans will be made behind closed doors and the fruit of their deception will ooze from their countenance. Their deception will devolve to an unfathomable level of delusion. Unless their ways are checked, they will sooner of later have to be pruned from the body. Even then they will not stop their delusion. Even if you attempt to go on, they will not easily let go. Love them, but mark them.