
The Mailman

Thus says the Lord God
(Ezekiel 13:3)
A prophet is one who proclaims the mind of the Lord. When he speaks, "thus saith the Lord," it better be what the Lord saith. As a preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, my job is to proclaim the gospel as if I were speaking the very oracles of God.[13] If I share my opinion, I am to let the congregation know that it is my opinion and that they can do whatever the wish with it. If I am quoting from an author or historical figure and the like, I am not speaking the mind of Christ, I am sharing information that may or may not be "Sola Scriptura," scripture only. However, when I am expounding on the scriptures, I am to do so by the scriptures. The Word of God is to define the Word of God. I may use illustration to clarify our understanding, but the illustrations are not to replace the scripture. I am never to use the scriptures to defend an illustration. My desire in proclaiming the gospel is to simply be God's mailman.