
You Can Be A Success Story

Then Amos answered…“I was no prophet, nor was I a son of a prophet, but I was a sheepbreeder and a tender of sycamore fruit.
(Amos 7:14)
Whatever you are, whatever your abilities, God sees and knows that you have greater potential. To be a prophet in the days of Amos was an awesome and high honor. Prophets were to be revered. Even their children were honored. Amos was not educated nor trained in the school of the prophets. Nevertheless, God called him; and when God calls, He equips. Therefore, Amos went from a breeder of sheep and a picker of fruit to become a great prophet and an author of a book of the Bible. The lesson is simple. You have great potential. God is able to call you from any situation in life to a greater level of service. If you have an ear to hear, and if you are willing to obey, and if you are willing to become a risk-taker, God is able to use you mightily. Dare to hear and obey Him. Dare to be all that He would have you to be.