
Marriage Does Not Fix The Renegade

…The earth is perturbed… it cannot bear up… a hateful woman when she is married.
(Proverbs 30:21-23)
I see in our text a lesson to those who are considering marriage. Verse twenty-three could be easily translated a couple of ways: “The hateful when married,” or “The unloved when married.” Each translation has the same message, “There is nothing on earth that can endure the unloved or hateful.” Yet, I see scores of people, especially the young, who think that after they marry their renegade, he or she will change. I have found that the better traits of the single diminish after marriage while the froward traits increase. Manners are replaced by apathy. Honor is exchanged for familiarity. Realize that those characteristics you dislike while dating will enhance after marriage. Maybe it is too late for you. Maybe you have already married your renegade. There is no earthy hope. However, there is a heavenly hope. Turn your marriage over to Christ. He is able to change the renegade.