
Then God Said...

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
(Genesis 1:1)
Eight times in the first chapter of genesis the phrase, “Then God said...” is used. Each time it is followed by the auxiliary in the imperative, “Let.” When God said, “Let,” He commanded into existence that which was not. He merely spoke, and it was done. God created the whole world and universe by the spoken word. His word remains. He is a God of His word. When He speaks, something changes. In creation things changed from nothingness to existence. God is still speaking today. He speaks by His written word. Then God said... “You must be born again.” Then God said... “Let a man first examine himself.” Just as God changed darkness into light and earth into life; He can change you. He is able to change you from death to life. He is able to change you from despair to hope, and He is able to change you from hell to heaven. May the beginning of this new year be a time that you respond to “Then God said...”