
Grandfodder, Come-on, Sit-down

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
(Matthew 7:7)
James says it this way, “... you do not have because you do not ask.. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss...” Everything of any true value that I have received in this life, I have received because I have asked for it. From the hand of my bride to the occupation I hold, each has come simply because I had the courage to ask for it. My two year old grand-daughter, Mary Grace, is relentless in asking. When she wants me to play with her, she says, “Grandfodder, come-on, sit-down.” She does not say it once or twice; she says it until I heed her request. Now there are two reasons I do as she asks: first, is her persistence. The second reason is my love for her. Our heavenly Father, who loves us more than we love even our grandchildren, says to us, keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking. He will answer for two reasons: our persistence and because of His great love for us.