
Till Death Do Us Part

So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate.
(Matthew 19:6)
Life in our generation has lost much of its sanctity, especially in the realm of marriage. It surely saddens the Creator to see His creation treat His commandments and blessings so irreverently. If we are not willing to keep the commitment of the sacred trust of marriage, how can we expect to keep any pertinent commitment? The traditional vows of marriage say, “I promise before God...to love, comfort and (for the husband cherish; and for the wife obey) you, in sickness and in health, for better of for worse, pledging myself to you alone, till God by death, should separate us.” The fight to save a marriage is equivalent to the fight to save a life. To destroy a marriage is comparable to destroying a life. Marriage is a challenge. It takes an enormous amount of work. There are few endeavors in life of any greater significance. It deserves your highest effort. Therefore, “... what God has joined together, let not man separate.”