
Stop Being Deceived

And Jesus, answering them, began to say: “Take heed that no one deceives you.”
(Mark 13:5)
The warning of our Lord is not trite nor is it to be ignored. We are living in a time of great deception. The enemy knows that his time is short. He has pulled all stops. He is the master deceiver. We must be aware of his devices. He thrives on complexity, confusion and uncertainty. This world without Christ is duped by his scheming. Mankind has been deceived into believing that there is no Creator. We have been deceived into believing that life is no longer sacred, and that marriage is not necessary for procreation. We are being deceived in these last days into believing all sorts of lies. Therefore, we must have a foundation in which to believe. That foundation is the Word of God and the Spirit of God. Christians must live a Spirit-filled-lifestyle. We must be people of the Word. Without Christ, without His Spirit, and without His Word we are going to be deceived. Let us heed His timely warning. Let us not be deceived any longer.