
Doing It Right

You shall not pervert justice; you shall not show partiality, nor take a bribeā€¦
(Deuteronomy 16:19)
We live in an age of perverted justice. Criminals often appear to have more rights than their victims. Legal technicalities have precedence over truth. Justice is based on opinion instead of the law of God. Individual rights have come to mean individual wants. We are repeatedly awarding whiners and punishing winners. This is perverted justice. The same law is to apply to all. The wealthy as well as the poor are to live by the same standards, God’s. We are not to show partiality to either. The rich are not to be treaded with disdain because of their riches, nor are the poor to receive favoritism because of their poverty. There is no partiality with God, nor should there be any partiality with man. We are not to receive financial or emotional, bribes. Nor are we to fall to the bribe of political correctness. If we are to show any partiality, may we be partial to God.