
The Bible Is My Fleece

God did so that night. It was dry on the fleece only…
(Judges 6:40:)
Gideon’s fleece was a sign from the Lord that God was with him. Today, people often attempt to likewise “fleece” the Lord, seeking a sign from Him. We often find ourselves looking for God to do some kind of a magic trick so that we will know what to do. We say things like, “Lord if it is your will for me to do such and such, may this or that happen. Gidion was all alone. He did not have the Word of God. We do. I have found that the best fleece is my Bible. When I need to know which way to go or what to do, the Bible is my fleece. I am not talking about randomly turning to a passage for direction. We are to study the scriptures for guidance. Some folks practice what has been called “lucky dipping.” They randomly turn to a portion of the Bible seeking God’s direction. This can be dangerous. For example you could turn to the scripture that says, “Judas hanged himself.” Thinking that you have the wrong verse you may turn to another, and it could read, “Go and do likewise.”