
When Too Many Is Too Much

The Lord said to Gidion, “The people who are with you are to many… lest Israel claim glory… saying, ‘My own hand has saved me.’”
(Judges 7:2)
We must always be careful not to seek the credit for the Lord’s doings. If we are to be exulted for our obedience to the Lord, let that exultation come from Him. Israel’s army began with thirty-two thousand-of that, twenty-two thousand left. Then there was ten-thousand. The Lord said that there were still too many people. When the troops were reduced to three-hundred, the Lord said, “I will save you, and deliver the enemy into your hands.” The lesson is simple. Never be afraid to obey the Lord when the odds are greatly against you. You and the Lord are a majority. The Lord wants us to know that He is the One who delivers. Therefore, He will always require that we are in faith. It does not take a lot of faith to succeed with an abundant of resources or a great army of people. It does take faith however to accomplish great exploits for the Lord with limited resources and a few people. Remember, If God is for you, who can be against you?