
Give Me An “At-A-Boy” From Heaven

How can you believe who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?
(John 5:44)
From whom do you seek honor? Whose accolade do you desire? We often seek to please the wrong people, and we do so in every realm. We dress to please it seems everyone except our spouses and our God. If you wish to see a lot of well-dressed women, for example, go to an all women’s meeting. Men will likewise attempt to prove their masculinity before other men. Even more far-fetched than this is our desire to receive praise and honor from man rather than from God. We see it in our churches. People are often embarrassed to praise and worship. We are more concerned with what the person next to us might think than what God might think. We are so concerned with impressing man that we neglect the reason we gather-to worship and praise the Creator of the universe. We are to get to the point in our lives where pleasing man only matters as long as we are pleasing to God. We should desire one “at-a-boy” from God more than all the applause of man.