
The Church Service

Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
(1 Chronicles 16:29)
This psalm of David for Asaph is a wonderful description of what the fellowship of the believers is to be like when they gather in the place we call church. We are first called to give God glory. This we do by hearing and obeying the preaching of His Word. We are secondly directed to bring our offerings; and then we are enthusiastically instructed to worship the Lord. Do you see the service of the church? Do you see the purpose of the corporate gathering of God’s people? Furthermore David adds a key phrase to describe the attitude of our gathering, that is, “In the beauty of holiness.” To gather otherwise is to gather in vain. Without holiness, instead of glorifying God, we glorify man; instead of a love offering, we offer the sacrifice of fools. How do you attend the fellowship of the believers? Is it in the beauty of holiness or an attitude of foolishness? Read the verse again.