
Friends And Counselors

Ahithophel was the king’s counselor, and Hushai the Archite was the king’s companion.
(1 Chronicles 27:33)
All leaders need counselors and good friends. They do not necessarily have to be one in the same. That is, you can have counselors in your life that may not even know you. I, for example, have been counseled by the best. I have received counsel from such great men as, Abraham Lincoln, John Bunyan, and Charles Spurgen. These men have naturally never met me, nor I them. They died long before I was even born. Nevertheless, Their lives have wonderfully been recorded. We can and should receive counsel from history’s greats. Likewise, if you have the privilege of knowing the living wise, of course, seek out their counsel. Furthermore, we need good companions. People who sharpen you mentally, emotionally and above all spiritually. We need good friends: people who love you just as you are, people who want nothing from you other than your friendship; and likewise, people whom you desire the same.