
Do Not Be A God Maker

Will a man make gods for himself, which are not gods?
(Jeremiah 16:20)
What is it that occupies the majority of your time and abilities? To what do you aspire? Are you willingly or mistakenly attempting to make gods for yourself? If you belong to Christ, you belong to a jealous God. The Lord says in the book of Exodus, “I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God…” Therefore give your ventures your best, but do so as unto the Lord. Let everything that you do be done to the glory of God. I promise that if you do, you will prosper at your endeavors. Anything we place before the one true God is idolatry; and the commandment says, “You shall have no other god before Me.” If you are not serving God in your endeavors, you are serving a false god. Seek the counsel of the Lord in every realm of your life: in business, marriage, relationships or to whatever you put your hand. Why would you make gods for yourself, which are not gods?