
Sin Will Not Go Unpunished

Do not fear… says the Lord, “For I am with you… I will rightly correct you, for I will not leave you wholly unpunished.”
(Jeremiah 46:28)
There is a price to pay for every sin. The book of Romans says, “For the wages of sin is death…” Every sin demands the penalty of death. For sin to be forgiven it requires the death of the Son of God. Furthermore, as our text says, “I will rightly correct you, for I will not leave you wholly unpunished.” There is a personal penalty to pay for sin. The chastisement of the Lord is due to His great love for us. “For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives.” Sin scares. It heals and is forgiven, nevertheless, it leaves a blemish on our lives. Therefore, there are at least two important facts to remember with regard to sin. It can be forgiven and it requires punishment. The cross of Calvary paid the price for redemption. The punishment of the Lord pays the price for our correction. Thus, “‘Do not fear…’ says the Lord, ‘For I am with you.’”