
Measuring Life

You shall have honest scales, an honest ephah, and an honest bath.
(Ezekiel 45:10)
Our units of measure are to be honest, true and just. Just as our “Yes” is to mean yes and our “No",no, we are to have the same dimension in all our dealings. There is no room for conniving or scheming in God’s kingdom. We are not to manipulate others for an advantage; nor are we to show partiality. There is to be equity in all our business. Never tip, for example, to impress. Tip to compliment good service. It would be just as wrong to reward someone for bad service as it would be to hold back what is justly due. Pay your taxes. Show honor. Pay your debts. Show the same consideration to all people. Do all this in a timely manner and you will exemplify integrity and honesty. Furthermore, tithe from all your increase. Give offerings cheerfully. Measure to others as you would have them measure to you, and it will come back to you.