
Morning And Evening Vision

The vision of the evening and mornings which was told is true, therefore seal up the vision, for it refers to many days in the future.
(Daniel 8:26)
We are closer to the total fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy than any previous generation. It is now many days in the future. What does that mean to you and me? What is to change in our lives with regard to the fulfillment of prophecy? If we knew with certainty that the Lord’s return was imminent, what would we change? The Bible teaches that this is how we are to live-as if the Lord will return at any moment. Therefore, we are to live our lives to the fullest. The vision came to Daniel in the morning and in the evening. Like Daniel’s visions, we too are to seek God’s vision for our lives each morning and evening. The results may be sealed up for many days in the future. Nevertheless, we are to live in such a manner as if the vision were to come to fruition at any time. Therefore, live the abundant life Christ has prophesied for us. Seek it each morning and evening.