
Life’s Commentary

You have sown much, and bring in little... he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.
(Haggai 1:6)
Is this your financial commentary? No matter how hard you work, no matter how much time you spend, you just cannot get ahead. Let me ask you, in allĀ  honesty, do you really think that this is how God intends for you to live? Look at you life. Are you where you ought to be? Are you doing what you wish to be doing? If no, do you think that it is God’s fault? Please think before you answer. May I be so bold as to share what I think is the key to true prosperity? It is not very complex; as a matter of fact it is very simple. The answer is, “Put God first.” I am not talking about lip service. I am talking about putting Him first in ever aspect of your life. He is to be first in worship and praise. He is to be first in honor and obedience. He is to be first in tithes and offerings. We cannot rob God and expect Him to bless us in our endeavors. Put God to the test by obeying His word. Make Him first in your life and just watch your life’s commentary change.