
An Ugly Picture

But they refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, and stopped their ears so that they could not hear.
(Zechariah 7:11)
Here is a very clear word picture of the unteachable. What an ugly picture! Can you see the arrogance, apathy and ignorance? Have you ever noticed that the unteachable are not necessarily uneducated? It is one thing to know, it is quite another to do. This is why the Bible says that knowledge puffs up. Unfortunately, there are many educated fools. These characteristics are to be warning signs. If we find ourselves unwilling to follow directions or care or listen, alarm bells ought to go off in our heads. Because of this kind of an attitude, God’s people were scattered. He has not changed. If we fail to heed His voice and shrug our shoulders at His will and stop listening with an ear toward obedience, we too will be scattered. Therefore walk in obedience, be careful and listen with all your heart. If we do this, we shall be established.