
The Ark of Christ

Come into the Ark… I have seen that you are righteous… in this generation.
(Genesis 7:1)
Noah and his family lived in a time similar to ours. In the midst of his perverse generation, Noah remained faithful. To Noah, the ark was a physical place of refuge. To us, it is symbolic of our refuge we have in Christ. Noah was righteous with regard to his neighbors and the law. Our righteousness is with regard to Christ and the perfect law of liberty. As Noah entered the ark of wood, we are to enter into the ark of Christ. As Noah was saved from the flood of water, we are saved from the flood of sin and death. As Noah physically saved his family and the animals of the earth, we are to lead our families to a saving knowledge of Christ and have dominion on the earth. Just as Noah was righteous in his generation, we are to live righteously in ours. Therefore, are you building an ark of safety for your household? Are you prepared for the flood of sin in our generation? Have you entered the ark of Christ?