
Avoiding Lust

But is say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart…
(Matthew 5:28)
Being physically blind and missing the beauty of creation is next to tragic. Being blind to sin is next to glorious. It would be a misfortune not to see the beauty of those created in the image of God. However, it is a mistake to see the beauty of those created in God’s image through the eyes of lust. It is one thing to admire the beauty of another; it is another thing to lust after that beauty. There are those who present themselves in a lustful manner, to look at them is to yield to them and that is lust. It is pornographic. The only desired beauty there is to be is the beauty found in a life-long spouse. We are not to desire it in another, nor are we to flaunt it to another. To present ourselves in a lustful manner is just as bad, if not worse, than to look at another to lust. Therefore, do not present yourself lustfully nor look with lust. Turn your head and your dress. Do not cause nor commit adultery in your heart.