
Present Yourself a Blessing

I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.
(Genesis 12:3)
It is so very important that we present ourselves a blessing to others. When we live a life of greed, selfishness and bitterness, we may cause others to curse us, and, because we belong to Christ, they may likewise receive a curse. All families of the earth were blessed through Abraham because Abraham was a blessing. Because he was fruitful, and of high integrity, those who knew him were blessed. How about you? Are the people who know you blessed? Are they better because they know you? When they are with you do they grow or desire to go? We have the power to be a blessing or a curse to those we know because who we are in Christ. Therefore, never take your position in Christ lightly. How you present yourself is how you present Christ. Because of our relationship to Him, we have great influence with regard to blessing and cursing. Present yourself, therefore, a blessing.