
Persistent Intervention

Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak once more: Suppose ten should be found there?
(Genesis 18:32)
Abraham loved the Lord his God with all his heart. He furthermore kept the commandment to love his neighbor as himself. That fact is evident here. The people of Sodom were awful, filled with every perverted sin; yet Abraham had hope beyond hope. He intervened to the Lord for the people. He boldly, yet honorably, approached the throne of grace. Time and again, Abraham stood in the gap for a rebellious people, pleading with the Lord to spare those God had condemned. How much more should we fill the gap for those loved by the Lord? We, more than often, ask once and stop. We need to have Abraham’s persistence. Repetition does not influence God, but the desire of our hearts does. When you truly desire something you keep seeking it until you acquire it. Our willingness to continually beseech God is proportionate to our desire. The greater the desire the greater the appeal. Our bartering with the Lord reveals our desire for our requests.