
Are You Joined To Christ?

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me… For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
(Matthew 11:29-30)
Jesus was a master carpenter. He understood the making of the yoke for the oxen. He knew that they had to be equally yoked for the burden to be carried easily. Likewise, He knows the need for us to be yoked to Him, and He understands that when we are rightfully yoked together, the burdens of this life will be light. When Christ calls us to a seemingly impossible task, we can be assured that if we are yoked to Him, the burden of that task will be light. The Lord God will never call us to a task that we are unable to complete. In our own strength, we are all but helpless, but when yoked to Christ, we can do all things. There is no burden that we cannot lift, no job that we cannot complete nor any task at which we will not succeed. What burdens are you under? What tasks are before you? Where do you desire to succeed? Yoke yourself to Christ and learn that His yoke is easy and His burden is light.