
When Called Out of Comfort

So He said, “I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there.”
(Genesis 46:3)
The older we grow the more secure we perceive our comfort zones to be. Aging has a way of opposing change. The longer we remain in a certain state of mind, the harder it is to get out of that state. Jacob was an old man, secure in his position and location. Nevertheless, God had a plan of change in mind for him. As He changed his name from Jacob to Israel, God was going to change his location and posterity in Egypt. Therefore, when God calls you out of your land of comfort to what may seemingly appear to be a desolate or even a hostile environment, trust Him. He may be preparing you for greatness. Jacob had to remember how God led his father Isaac and Grandfather Abraham, “And He went out, not knowing where he was going.” Therefore, no matter what your age, when God calls you out of your zone of comfort, by faith, go.