
Heaven’s Mailman

The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “I am the Lord. Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you.”
(Exodus 6:29)
As a preacher of the gospel, I see myself as a mailman. I have the privilege of delivering God’s message to His people. Therefore, there can be no boasting in the message. I can take no credit for it. However, if the mail is not delivered, I have failed at my duty. Each of us is given messages from our heavenly Father to deliver to those on our route. We, like Moses, are to speak those things that God has given us to the Pharaohs of our lives. It may not be easy to speak to your neighbor, family member or friend. Likewise, it was not easy for the slow speech of Moses to speak to the ruler of Egypt. Nevertheless, Moses obeyed and so should we. Look at it this way: if your neighbor’s mail came to your house, would you give it to him? What if it was bad news? Sure, you would deliver it to him, because it is not for you to keep. How much more should we deliver the good news of the gospel of Christ. It is not ours to keep. It is ours to deliver.