
Proper Regret

What do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, “Son, go, work today in my vineyard.”
(Matthew 21:28)
It is not what you say that matters as much as what you do. You know the story. The first son said he would not work, but regretted it and did. The second son said he would, but did not. The first son expressed his honest feelings even though they were wrong. The second son likewise spoke his heart, and his heart was a heart of a deceiver. ?I have found that those who talk the most do the least. Those who loudly affirm with their mouths seldom reaffirm with their actions. I would rather speak honestly and be wrong than speak a lie and be right. If my heart is honest and I am wrong in my words, God will grant me room for repentance. If my heart is filled with arrogant pride, I will be condemned by the words of my mouth. ?Therefore, be very careful of what you readily agree to do. You may be speaking from a heart of deceit. Be slow to speak and quick to repent.