
The Best Of The Best

The first of the firstfruits of your land you shall bring to the house of the Lord your God.
(Exodus 34:26)
What do you bring to the service of the Lord’s house? Do you give of your best? Consider our text. God requests not only our best; He requires the best of our best. Our goal in the service of God’s people in the place we call His house, the church, is to be the very best we have. We are to give our very best praise and worship. We are to bring our very best tithes and offerings. If we teach or have a serving ministry, we are to do so with all of our heart, talent and ability. If we see the Lord’s house as the best place to be on His day, then we will naturally give the very best we can. When we realize that God gave His very best, His Son, we ought to demonstrate our gratitude by giving Him our best praise, attention and resources. He is worthy of the best of our best.