
Indeed Too Much

The material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done
(Exodus 36:7)
God has always supplied the resources for the work He has called us to do—indeed, too much. Nevertheless, we have, most of the time, kept back that which He has supplied. Not long ago, God called the church that I pastor to a great and mighty task. We, as a body of believers, were certain that the task was ordained of the Lord. However, in the middle of the endeavor the resources dwindled. I did not understand. Had I missed the Lord? One night with great supplication I asked the Lord, “Where is the supply for the task?” He clearly answered, “I have sufficiently supplied and more. Nevertheless, my people have robbed Me.” We simply were not giving all that the Lord had supplied. We were keeping back what was needed to do the work. I shared this with God’s people and they responded obediently. We are now anticipating the material we need to be sufficient for all the work to be done—indeed too much.