
Do You Know How To Follow?

They made the garments of ministry… as the Lord had commanded Moses.
(Exodus 39:1)
God seldom directs each man individually. He usually directs one to lead others. From Abraham to Peter and from Gideon to Paul, God has raised up men to lead men. There is much taught today about leadership. There needs to be more taught about “Followship.” We live in a day that followers have to be pacified and leaders have to qualify every request and order. We seem to spend so much time not offending anybody that we have no time for ministry. Hurt feelings are the demise of success. Those who are called to follow must learn to be tender-hearted and thick-skinned instead of hard-hearted and thin- skinned. Equality has nothing to do with position. Rank does not make one better. Rank makes a position greater. Christ understood this when He said, “I am going to the Father, for My Father is greater than I.” Jesus knew how to follow. He knew the difference between greater and better. He said that it is better to serve than be served.